Posted by: SoCal SkyWatch | October 29, 2011

Aerosol Injection Research (AIR)

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Friday, October 14, 2011 – The SPICE project (Stratospheric Particle Injection for Climate Engineering) is an attempt to sell a brand of Geo-engineering called SRM (Solar Radiation Management) to the public. A test with a tethered balloon dispersal system has been delayed until next year due to a petition endorsed by 60 organizations from around the world.

11:38am Perris - Billboard Ad for Boeing KC-46A Tanker "A New Generation Is Ready To Fly"

11:38am Perris - Billboard Ad for Boeing KC-46A Tanker "A New Generation Is Ready To Fly"

There is another form of particle injection that has been going on for at least the past 15 years now. Patents such as the Stratospheric Welsbach Seeding For Reduction of Global Warming Patent (#5,003,186) proposed injecting a “very fine, white talcum-like” powder of aluminum oxide, barium oxide and other oxides into the upper atmosphere to reduce Global Warming. This dispersal system uses aircraft to spray substances called “aerosols” [Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering (SAG)] into the air as described in these patents.

11:10am Temecula - Expanded parallel chemtrail "jet cirrus" cloud formation with visible particle fallout in distance.

11:10am Temecula - Expanded parallel chemtrail "jet cirrus" cloud formation with visible particle fallout in distance.

“Conspiracy Theorists” and the public at large call this delivery method “Chemtrails”. Ironically, this term came from the “Space Preservation Act of 2001” (HR 2977) which attempted to ban such weather-modifying weapons.

12:51pm Perris - Another low altitude jet plane in a "HAARP" wave filled sky.

12:51pm Perris - Another low altitude jet plane in a "HAARP" wave filled sky.

Are the elites who chemically seed the atmosphere with jet planes looking for a cheaper delivery system or are they trying to sell the concept to the general public at large because of the increasing awareness of the ongoing aerosol injection (chemtrail) program?

1:04pm Perris - Expanding chemtrail line segments form a cross or "X" in the sky.

1:04pm Perris - Expanding chemtrail line segments form a cross or "X" in the sky.

Today’s chemtrail aerosol injection was extensive across Southern California. All across the sky, jet planes left segmented spray injections that expanded into sun blocking “jet cirrus” clouds. Stringy cotton candy clouds formed around these “persistent jet contrails” causing particle fallout “grey-out” conditions, HAARP wave patterns & iridescent “rainless rainbow” clouds.

1:40pm Perris - Massive expanding chemtrail "X" formation with iridescent cloud colors.

1:40pm Perris - Massive expanding chemtrail "X" formation with iridescent cloud colors.

Picture views taken from San Diego, Escondido, Hidden Meadows, Fallbrook, Temecula, Murrieta, Menifee, Sun City & Perris, California.


  1. Johnsonas reblogged this on Johnsono ne'Blog'as.

  2. […] October 14th photo gallery: Aerosol Injection Research (AIR) […]

  3. look, we know what they’re doing, all the pictures in the world won’t change that, so what are we going to do about it, that is the big question? we need to organize and spread the word to all non-believers, we need whistle blowers that are pilots, military, scientists,cia, fbi, etc, retired or ex military to help us save our planet or our people, where are there meetings being held in riverside county, we need to stop them, we need a world wide protest, now!!!

  4. Looked on flight track app and we Got 2 of these KC46as right now over N Oregon, we only have the Air National Guard here no AF base what else would they be doing flying circles over the area?

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